NetBlime Editorial Guidelines

NetBlime is a space for all things travel, food, and lifestyle committed to publishing helpful, reliable, and original content that puts our readers first. We believe everyone should be able to access trustworthy, well-researched, and unbiased content that brings experiences and ideas to life.

We team up with writers, editors, fact-checkers, and other freelance contributors who help us create thoroughly researched, unique, and comprehensive content in order to provide you with the best possible information and advice on subjects that matter the most to you. 

Primary Purpose

At NetBlime, our goal is to be your most trusted source for travel, food, and lifestyle themes to explore ideas, find inspiration, and get expert recommendations through carefully curated how-to guides, reviews, tips, videos, and Blime Stories. We want to provide our readers with expert-approved information that’s not only original and informative but also engaging, relatable, and easy to digest. We believe that if we can inspire, motivate, and make a positive difference in your life through our content, we have done our job.

Committed to Content Integrity and Quality

We hate deadlines—and so they have no place among our contributors at NetBlime. We believe in giving our creators the freedom they need to explore their passions and create valuable content for our audience. We aim to encourage our creators to produce content that is appreciated by those who find it useful. This is the reason why we don’t produce or publish a lot of content—or just cover any random topic on our site. We expect all contributors to the network to abide by all applicable laws, standards, and ethical practices.

We employ tried and tested processes that are highly rigorous to ensure the accuracy and originality of every content we publish. When we create any piece of content, we make certain that our creators adhere to our own editorial guidelines in order to produce high-quality content that is useful as well as adds significant value to your life.

Taking Fact-Checking and Sources Seriously

Anyone can publish a list of disconnected facts online, but it takes a lot of effort to gather accurate and trustworthy information in every piece of content that is not only relatable but also has as much factual accuracy as possible.

To accomplish this, we collaborate with fact-checkers to check all facts, details, and sources through peer reviews and cross-checking methods for accuracy to ensure our readers can trust what they’re reading. All of our articles are sourced from either an authoritative industry voice or widely recognized credible sources, which we carefully cite via links so that you can learn more about the facts and make informed decisions.

Proactive Regarding Updates and Corrections

We understand that no one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes: including industry experts. The most important thing is to own up to them, put them right, and do so in a timely and transparent manner. We know that things change and writers are only human, which is why we take a proactive approach to updates and corrections. Sometimes new facts come to light, and other times events unfold in unexpected ways. Our job is to make sure both of these are reflected in our work whenever a reader stops by to learn something new. 

That’s why we follow a robust regime to routinely re-review every piece of published content on our site in order to ensure the information is fresh and up to date. We don’t cut corners when it comes to checking a fact even after we’ve published an article. In case we find any outdated or irrelevant content, we replace it as soon as possible with new information.

Following the update, the most recent date appears alongside the content. Additionally, we take reader suggestions, corrections, and opinions seriously and make it our priority to connect the content with industry experts to verify factual accuracy or update any errors.

Regardless of all fact-checking efforts, in case you find anything published on our site contains errors, or inaccurate information, or have other concerns, please send corrections to us at [email protected]. Please make sure to clearly mention your concern in the subject line. 

Written for People, By People

When it comes to learning about the world and life in a meaningful way, we want our readers to have a platform where they can be confident that the information they’re uncovering is backed up by real people who truly care. To put this into practice: producing or publishing content using automatically generated methods or AI (artificial intelligence) writing tools such as ChatGPT is strictly against our guidelines.

Our writers love to create original, thought-provoking content that sheds new light on ideas, events, and opinions. All of our articles include clear bylines from authors with their names and descriptions, which link to their dedicated author page, enabling our readers to learn more about the voice behind the story they’ve appreciated. In addition, we seek out subject-matter experts to help us create content from an authoritative standpoint as well as collaborate with editors in their areas of expertise to review and edit relevant articles.

Blime Stories (Upcoming)

At NetBlime, our “Blime Stories” are unique and are shared by those who have had personal experiences on the subject and want to share what they learned that can be useful in your life as well. These stories can be as simple as spending weekends with friends near a country lake, unwrapping life in Istanbul, or as complex as buying a home abroad. They can be funny, sad, inspiring, or anything else you can imagine. However, our editorial team rigorously vets every article and story to ensure they are authentic, insightful, and have the highest level of accuracy of the facts possible.


Since our mission is to provide you with a reliable source of information about travel, food, and lifestyle space: we understand that our readers may have different views and opinions on certain topics. While we do our best to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee the veracity of any claims made on NetBlime or in its articles—even though the information is directly shared by industry experts.

We encourage our readers to please do their own due diligence and research before making any decisions based on the content they find here on NetBlime. 

We will continue striving to ensure that all content on our site published is primarily created to serve a beneficial purpose for our readers. | Disclaimer